
About the BLUE-ERA project

Our main objective is the establishment of a new master’s degree program for sustainable blue economy in the south Mediterranean region (Region 3 countries: Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan).

Our ultimate objective is to use ocean resources on sustainable manner for local economic growth needs, improved livelihoods, entrepreneurship to local needs and generating employment (empowerment of youngs) while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems.

Participating countries in this proposal are two universities from each country in the south (Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan) in addition to three universities from the EU (France, Italy, and Greece). During the project period (3 years), there will be many activities; including gap analysis, lab installation and field trips for the practical work, capacity building for the staff and students, summer and winter schools, and training in European universities.

There will also be an online and face to face seminars and workshops, as well as knowledge dissemination events. Eligibility for admission to the proposed MSc program, candidates of various fields (e.g. marine sciences, geology, geophysics, environmental engineering, coastal zone management, environmental economy, etc.) will be invited.

Expected outcomes are of highly qualified graduates in fields of sustainable blue economy. Thanks to the BLUE-ERA consortium for their significant contribution in the development of exchanges of knowledge, expertise and good practice tools for professional and entrepreneurial integration, employability and professionalization of students will be promoted. The sustainability of the proposed plan will guarantee the continuation of the master’s program far beyond the end of the project. In addition, the interconnection between laboratories and future research collaborations will strengthen the research capacity in the field of blue economy, including the establishment of co-supervised postgraduates and PhD fellows.